2008年3月21日 星期五


One of the best investment advices. Extracted from Chinatimes.com.

有錢人絕不會犯的五大購屋錯誤 文/《住展雜誌三月號》
根據過去的經驗,一個新開發區的成熟時間,幾乎沒有少於十年的,例如信義計畫區的成熟花了超過二十年、淡水新市鎮的開發,經過十年仍是荒草一片。 依此經驗,大直及南港重劃區,沒有再十年是無法成熟的。因此,如果想要投資房地產獲利,千萬不要因自己經濟能力的考量,而先投資郊區,後投資市區。
依上述的經驗,每次景氣時間大都要七至十年,所以在如此漫長的等待期中,每一天都必須支付機會成本(opportunity cost),即使有人會說,中間會有租金收入,扣掉利息,至少應該還會有些賺頭。

我必須再提醒一次,預售屋的投資機會只有在台灣才有,世界上許多地方,雖然也有類似的名稱,但不是預付款(Down Payment)要很高,就是購買期較晚(如中國大陸有必須在結構體完成才能預售的規定),甚至嚴格限制了銀行貸款的方式與成數,這些都將預售屋的投資優勢做了較大的限制。
在許多「一案公司」的售屋廣告還在強調其所聘用的規劃及施工團隊是如何有名,及其建材設備是如何地系出名門的時候,不知道真正有品牌的公司是不需要這些包裝的。例如雙B汽車會打方向盤或是輪胎是什麼人設計或是什麼人製造的廣告嗎? 同樣地,LV皮包會打所用的皮或鈕扣是什麼人設計與什麼地方製造的廣告嗎? 品牌精神即在告訴消費者,只要你買了我的產品,我負責到底,是誰設計、誰製造並不重要,而是本公司有多久的歷史,過去提供過什麼樣的產品,什麼樣的服務;現在,對於世界潮流趨勢有什麼樣的瞭解與什麼樣的判斷;未來,要提供什麼樣的產品、服務與責任,如果消費者認同了,就購買,這就是品牌

2008年3月18日 星期二

Who loves Singapore? Ang Mo of course!

An Ang Mo expat wrote to Forum on 13 Mar 08 (see below letter) saying Singapore is almost an heaven.

I can really see reasons for him feeling that way and why a locally born and bred man won't.

Ang Mo men:

  • received better respect than the local men from the local government and girls;
  • enjoying safety without the need to contribute to it (read NS);
  • have recourse to democracy by returning home to the west;
  • in time of unemployment can return to home where welfare is a lot better;
  • short distance to the wonderful Asia but based in a place where pay is high for expat, tax is low, travel is hassle free, English speaking and westernised;
  • perceived to have better English and more creative than the locals whose survival is dependent on command of English.

In short the bests of both worlds -- working world (spore) and Shelter (home in the west).

The local men have the worse deal:

  • served NS (and discriminated for that because of age and reservice);
  • compete without preferential for University and jobs;
  • no political power like an expat (or worse because expat has no fear of political oppression from the local elite caste);
  • most have no recourse to other democracy or places of better welfare;
  • perceived to be not as cultured and creative as the ang mo;
  • may not have enough to eventually retire.

Note: I'm not against any race or Foreign Talents, but merely reflecting reality faced by local men. Under normal circumstances anywhere, one would expect locals to be treated no worse than a foreigner in own country.

Letter to Forum

Singapore is heaven. Almost

David Sandison
Thu, Mar 13, 2008, AsiaOne

SINGAPORE has changed a lot since I turned up here as a lad about 17 years ago.
I remember coming out of work in the evenings - we were in Battery Road at the time - to be faced by four choices:
(1) Go home.
(2) Go across the road to Movenpick for a glass of the only beer they served (I think it was Tiger).
(3) Clamber over rubble and go past derelict warehouses on Boat Quay down to a dank little pub called Paddles for a glass of their only beer (I think it was Tiger).
(4) Walk around aimlessly along the dark, deserted streets (which was sometimes forced upon you in attempting the first of the above and not finding a taxi).
My wife saw a lot of me back then. Now, after work, I am faced with 100 choices, bright lights, and an almost party atmosphere.
I can enjoy a large variety of beer, including, but not limited to, an old favourite of mine, Green King's Abbott Ale.
The choice of food, styles and prices are immense. Boat Quay bustles with tourists and homeward bound(ish) office staff.
Clark Quay boasts its own micro brewery and a Scottish restaurant, of all things.
Robertson Quay, Far East Square and Club Street all have their share of diners and revelers.
My wife also sees a lot less of me now ("Sorry dear, couldn't get a taxi home" - which, sadly, is something that hasn't changed).
Also, you could still buy a pack of chewing gum then and not risk arrest. Now, you have to get a prescription and wander into a pharmacy to get your fix.
But this is a small price to pay to live in one of the safest places in the world. Safety is a main reason why I have stayed here for the past 17 years.
Yes, the changes have been dramatic, but they have certainly been changes for the better.
Singapore is now a sophisticated, cosmopolitan, modern city which is a pleasure to live and work in.
The city is clean, it is safe and things work ? when they don't, someone will be round within the hour to fix them.
Red tape is minimal, government officials are helpful and polite.
The good news for me personally (though bad, professionally) is that tax rates are low.
Investment income is primarily tax free and we do not have the dreaded Capital Gains Tax.
Finally, on the travel front, I have never come across an airport as efficient as Changi.
No queues, a fast track access card and a rectangular, intuitive layout (has anyone tried drawing a map of Heathrow lately?).
My record from tarmac to front door is 30 minutes - and that includes swiping a bottle of competitively priced Laphroaig - whiskey - on the way through duty free.
Sounds like heaven? Almost.
In heaven, you can get a taxi.

David Sandison is a tax partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers Singapore. He has provided corporate tax advisory services in the UK, Australia and, for the past 17 years, Singapore.

2007年11月6日 星期二


Not for most under current scheme which a couple expect themselves to work until 62 year old, pay off a HDB flat with CPF, and then rely on money in the CPF Special Account plus savings in the bank to last for the rest of their life.

I estimate that up to 95% of families in Singapore can't afford retirement.


The 2006 median family's monthly income in Singapore is S$4500 (combined income of 2 or more earners).

Employed Households by Monthly Household Income from Work (source: Singapore Department of Statistics, Feb 2007):

Monthly Household Income from Work (S$): Per cent
Less than 1000: 5.7%
1000 – 1,999: 13.0%
2,000 – 2,999: 13.6%
3,000 – 3,999: 12.3%
4,000 – 4,999: 10.5%
5,000 – 5,999: 9.0%
6,000 – 6,999: 7.0%
7,000 – 7,999: 5.4%
8,000 – 8,999: 4.3%
9,000 – 9,999: 3.3%
10,000 and above: 15.8%

Let's assume that a typical Median Income couple at retirement age:

  • Married at age 25 and thereafter work continuously for 37 years;
  • Each received 12 months salary plus 13th month bonus every year;
  • Salaries either remain or increase but never drop;
  • No income disruption as a result of lost of employment due to retrenchment, illnesses or handicap;
  • Final 7 years's average income is S$4500 per month (Final Monthly Income); average monthly salary in the first decade of work is half the Final Monthly Income; average monthly salary in the second decade of work is two-third of Final Monthly Income; average monthly salary in the third decade of work is three quarter of Final Monthly Income;
  • Save 13th month bonus minus CPF contribution every year;
  • Monthly cash balance is negligible;
  • No net inflation (i.e. income always caught up over overtook inflation)
  • Employer CPF contribution is on top of the Income mentioned
  • Pay off the HDB apartment through CPF Ordinary Account by retirement;
  • Medishield would look after all medical needs;
  • Family retirement fund comprises of monies in Savings plus CPF Special Account only;
  • Have S$163K by 62 year old, based on current CPF Special Account contribution structure and interest rate;
  • Savings Account Rate is less than 1% per annum (based on rate in the past decade);
  • Retirement Fund needs to last until at least 85 year old (or 23 years after retirement).

Base Case Retirement Scenario

Based on the above data and assumption, For a Median Income Family, the savings in the bank will amount to approximately S$108K, and balance in the CPF special account, S$163K. So, after 37 years of hand-to-mouth living, the couple will retire with less than S$275K to their names. Singaporean will agree that a couple will need at minimum, S$2K/month or S$24K/year for living. In this scenario, the retirement fund will exhaust within 11 years. This means, either the retiree couple would die with food in stomach before 73 or starve to death without food in stomach by 74.

Alternative Scenario I

An improved scenario would have the couple put every dime that they save every year in CPF Special Account (or equivalent) that fetches 4% return per annum. The compounded retirement fund would amount to approximately S$193K + S$163K (savings plus CPF contribution respectively) = S$356K. This scenario will allow the couple to live for 14.8 years after retirement – up to 76.8 year old.

Alternative Scenario II

A more aggressive improved scenario would have the couple put every dime that they save every year into investment that fetches average return of 8% per annum (twice as good as CPF Special Account). The compounded retirement fund would amount to approximately S$467K + S$163K (savings plus CPF contribution respectively) = S$630K (savings plus CPF contribution). This scenario will allow the couple to live for 26.3 years after retirement – up to 88.3 year old.

Likely Improved Scenario

The likely improved scenario would be in between Base Case, Alternative I and Alternative II scenarios.
To provide for rainy days, the couple kept the first S$10K in bank that bears next to zero interest. This S$10K would take at least the first 5 years of savings. The next S$20K of savings into fixed deposit that gives 2% interest. The next S$20K is at least savings from the next 7 years. Subsequent 20 years of savings will be invested in more aggressive fund with capital guarantee; which typically yields no more than 6% per annum. With 12 or more years of yield lower than 4%, lower total amount in investment less aggressive than 8% per annum return, such median income couple would likely have about S$10.5K + S$35K + S$81K + S$163K = S$289.5K (Savings Account plus Fixed Deposit Account plus Investment plus CPF Special Account respectively) for retirement. The amount could only last between12 years after retirement. That means even with investment, the median couple is unlikely to survive beyond 74 year old. Those below median income will definitely be worse.


To survive until 85 year old on annual allowance of S$24K, a couple will need S$552K as the minimum fund for a humble retirement -- it was shown on Straits Times that to retire a Singapore family needs more than S$2M.

Based on the Likely Improved Scenario investment pattern, even family with S$10K per month (top 15th percentile families) cannot retire because such family will only have S$10.5K + S$35K + S$180K + S$163K = S$388.5K (Savings Account plus Fixed Deposit Account plus Investment plus CPF Special Account respectively) for retirement.

Only family with monthly income of S$20K per month and above could afford to retire. The average annual household income of 91st to 100th (highest 10 deciles) is S$174.3K, so may be only the top 5 deciles family could afford retirement.

This modeling of course could not take into account life style, spending pattern, the ability of family members being employed for 32 years without income drop, inflation, and better investment return. Although, only the top 10 deciles families may have spare cash for more aggressive and hence better return investment.

This model also could not determine what amount is enough for families who could afford more than minimum requirement.

2007年11月2日 星期五

Extract from 中時電子報 2007/11/01 04:49

世界經濟論壇(WEF)昨日公布最新全球競爭力評比,二○○七年全球競爭力排名,在一三一個受評國家中,美國競爭力仍高居第一,其他依序是瑞士、丹麥瑞典德國芬蘭 新加坡日本、英國、荷蘭等。前十名中,北歐國家就占了三國,且進步最多的是瑞典,由去年第九名上升至第四名. 台灣的排名第十四名,較去年滑落一名;南韓今年競爭力大躍進,由去年第廿三名進步為今年的十一名,在主要國家中名次進步最多。

其次,在「總體經濟」指標方面,台灣滑落四名為第廿六名,主要是財政赤字排名第五十九名,政府債務第五十三名,這幾項排名落後,大大影響總體排名。 台灣在「體制」方面退步七名為第三十七名,包括小股東權益的保護(排名第六十九),大眾對政治人物的信賴(排名第五十七)、司法獨立(第五十三名)等細項的排名均落後, 無論在財政赤字、還是政府債務,及對政治人物信賴方面,台灣都大幅落後,影響總體排名。


2007年10月23日 星期二

It's Condom...Stupid

Outdated doctrine and misplaced faith creates perfect disaster that even Creator would shun.

Does the Church really care about her faithful?
  • opposition of contraception make the poor even poorer -- Ghettos in Philippines and Latin America as proofs --, and
  • creates downward spiral that the generation after generation could not escape -- destitution leads to lack of education, no health care hence diseases, teenage pragnancy, violence, drug abuses, sex trade, and crimes.
  • Not willing to educate the faithful on the use of condom make them vulnerable to AIDS and SIDs
  • With these groups of faithful being poor, uneducated, diseased, and crime-prone groups producing baby at much higher than world's average, the world even without wars will become a more dangerous place by the day.

Catholic condom ban helping AIDS spread in Latin America: UN
The Catholic Church opposes all forms of contraception and instead promotes abstinence.
Tue, Oct 23, 2007Reuters

TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - The rapid spread in Latin America of the virus that causes AIDS is made worse by the Roman Catholic Church's stand against using condoms, a U.N. official said on Monday.

Some 1.7 million people across Latin America are infected with the HIV virus or full-blown AIDS, and the epidemic is spreading swiftly with up to 410,000 new cases in 2006, up from as many as 320,000 new cases in 2004, according the UN AIDS program, UNAIDS.

"In Latin America the use of condoms has been demonized, but if they were used in every relation I guarantee the epidemic would be resolved in the region," said Alberto Stella, the UNAIDS Coordinator for Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica.
The Catholic Church, which holds sway in Latin America despite the rise in evangelical churches, opposes all forms of contraception and instead promotes abstinence as a way to avoid spreading AIDS.

"The fact young people start to be sexually active between 15 and 19 without sex education contributes to the spreading of the virus, as well as the fact that the evidence shows abstinence is not working," Stella told Reuters.

Latin America is home to nearly half the world's 1.1 billion Catholics, but the Church's position on premarital sex and contraception often clashes with modern values. Brazil, the region's largest Catholic nation, regularly distributes free condoms to try and bring down HIV infection rates.

2007年10月17日 星期三

God created Adam & Eve Not Adam & Steve! ...

Following is my response to an article titled "God Created Adam & not Steve!" posted on Sammyboy's Forum by BBBrothers on behalf of Christians in Singapore (the original post is below my response).

Going by the logic of the title, all human must be descendent of Adam & Eve.

Question for the Christians: Are you also against INCEST???

Because after Adam and Eve, the family -- parents and child, siblings -- had to mount each other to mass produce the entire human race.

If you are against Incest then why do you support marriage -- and called it holy communion -- as that's aiding the Incest crime?

If you are not against Incest then why does homosexuallity bothers you as it's no more sinful or unnatural than Incest?

It has been scientifically proven that homosexuality (gayness) is inborn (natural) and exists in all animal segments. The statistics was between 10% and 20% of population are gay in any communities (i.e. 1 in every 5 to 10 people you know).

So, either your religion is wrong -- human are not from Adam and Eve, hence we are not incestious; which if that's the case, then there is no point talking about Adam and Eve --, or your logic is wrong as you obviously can't discern and reason.

"God created Adam & Eve Not Adam & Steve!
There has recently been wide discussion in the press and the Internet on the issue of homosexuality with different views expressed. Christians, like other thoughtful citizens, are also concerned about this issue.

We present our position below as a guide to Christians in our member churches and as our witness, as concerned citizens, to the society in which we belong. It saddens the church when we found out that a petition is out to change the penal code which will legalize homo related activities.

Our stand:
1) Recognizing the Bible as the authoritative standard for its faith and practice the Church has historically and consistently held the view that the practice of homosexuality is clearly incompatible with the teachings of the Christian faith. The only sexual relationship, sanctioned by God and given as a gift from God, is between a male and a female within the bounds of a monogamous marriage.

2) Therefore, we do not condone homosexual practice and we consider homosexual lifestyle as sinful and unacceptable. However, this does not mean that we reject or despise homosexuals (homophobia). We acknowledge that every person is loved by God and we all live under the grace of God. Homosexuals should be regarded and treated no less as persons of worth and dignity.

3) The Church is called to be a caring community and a sanctuary, always extending ministry to all persons. As sinners ourselves, we are committed to the path of true freedom made possible by the grace of God and found in and through obedience to Jesus Christ. Without minimizing their struggles, the Church offers those beset with homosexual desire the same opportunity to receive God's forgiveness and fulfillment in Jesus Christ and to experience His transforming power. Not accepting homosexual practice and lifestyle must not be confused with homophobia.

4) In public debate about homosexuality scientific data have sometimes been used to support certain claims. To the layperson, science has been unsuspectingly regarded as an objective discipline and conclusions based on its findings have been assumed as irrefutable and authoritative. But that is an assumption we do not accept especially with regard to attempts to give biological explanations to homosexual inclination and behaviour. We note that there is no clear evidence that homosexuality is biologically determined.

5) Though we deem homosexual lifestyle totally unacceptable on the basis of the Bible and our faith, we believe that unless there are legitimate reasons homosexuals, as individuals, should not be discriminated against in areas such as employment. It does not follow, however, that our society should be re-ordered or allowed to evolve to the extent that eventually homosexual practice is endorsed, permitted or encouraged as an alternative lifestyle. In this regard, we urge our government to maintain: a) current legislation concerning homosexuality;b) its policy of not permitting the registration of homosexual societies or clubs;c) its policy of not allowing the promotion of homosexual lifestyle and activities.

6) As churches we seek to remain faithful to our Christian faith and practice. We shall strengthen the education of our members in the teachings and practices of our faith. We are committed to serving our nation by helping to preserve and promote wholesome values and lifestyles that will contribute to the well-being of our society.

What is Unnatural must not be encouraged. "

2007年10月16日 星期二

Super City -- Greater Shanghai Area

Shanghai is in the process of building a super Greater Shanghai connecting cities within 300KM radius. The Greater Shanghai will be 34 times bigger than current and 8 times more populated.

The new super city will be the largest city in the world comprising 130M people -- a little more populated than Japan and half that of USA. Satellite cities within the Greater Shanghai areas will be connected by magnetic highspeed train and highways, as well as undersea tunnel linking Pudong and the outskirt islands to facilitate 25-min car ride from end to end.

Shanghai is also buidling a high speed magnetic rail to Beijing, making travel between the 2 most important cities in 5 hours. The rail will be ready for 2010 World Expo.

The new development is likely to reduce duplication investement, maximize return, permits efficiency in logistics and creates a synchronized region conducive for rapid production and international trade.

The arrangement will have Pudong as Financial Center, current Shanghai as international trading sea/air ports, and logistic hub. The satellite town and cities will serve as production bases and sub-urban living quarters. Shanghai sea port will definitely become the busiest container port in the world in near future.

Purely from investment perspective, this super city alone will grow at neck breaking rate for another decade or two. God knows if they would spread such development model to other parts of the country to raise the living standard of the inner land?

From ecology perspective, if done wrongly the super city could create super disaster for the world i.e. pollution magnifies and environment badly damage. However, if done right, it would be a sustainable high growth model.

I could imagine half of the world's cranes and cement and steel and plenty of oil... flowing to Shanghai...just not sure the earth could sustain such development.

What can I say? Holy F**K! Seldomly in a life time we get to see such a major happening -- quasi building a Japan in one go -- for better or worse.

It just make living in Singapore a stint in Mickey Mouse's land.