The United Nations and many surveys have often rated Canada as the best country in the world to live in. Canada has the highest standard of living and best quality of life. Comparing to Singapore, she has edges in:
- Clean and beautiful environment;
- High standard and affordable healthcare;
- Quality education;
- Good social safety net for all;
- Good job prospect & Low income disparity;
- Long term sustainability;
- Democracy;
- Work and life balance.
1. Growing Job Market & Low Income Disparity
The economy is BOOMING! Hundreds of thousands of new jobs created each year. Canadians earn an average annual income of approximately $40,000; and income disparity between to top 20% families and the bottom 20% families is only 5.6 times in 2005.
2. Business Sustainability & Natural Advantages
Unlimited opportunities for development exist in the natural resources, manufacturing, construction, import/export, commerce, high-tech and service industries. Even China, India and USA are competing to secure natural resources including oil from Canada. Such Canadian advantages shall persist as long as these big nations continue to demand such resources for their survival. Canadian also has no fear for lack of clean water for drinking, industry, and for generating cheap and clean electricity. High-tech companies like Blackberry, Northern Telecom etc are Canadian produces.
3. Top Quality Education
Offering free primary and secondary education and subsidized post-secondary studies, Canada spends more on education than any industrialized nations. Canadian universities and colleges have an excellent international reputation for high quality.
4. Health and Welfare
Canadians have access to social assistance programs, affordable housing, FREE healthcare and a strong government that helps its people.
5. Democratic, Safe and Gracious
Canadian government is democratically elected and sustains high level of integrity. Community policing, strict gun control laws and a fair justice system make Canada safe and secure for everyone. Crime rates are among the lowest in the world and continue to decline. Canadians are also gracious in sharing and helping the less privilege.
6. Multiculturalism
Canada encourages immigrants to retain their unique culture. Nowhere else is there such a diversity of cultures existing together in a tolerant, peaceful society.
7. Work & Life Balance
Canadian society permits workers to enjoy a good work and life balance. Typical Canadian works hard and plays hard. They embrace sports, learn life-long at very affordable price, and work with job security and dignity.