2007年10月2日 星期二

How Fat Causes Diabetes

Obesity is condition of a body having big quantity of fats. Excessive fat overwhelms fat cells and the surplus stored in the liver. Fatty liver could cause insulin resistance and results in diabetes.

Possible explanations of fatty liver include the transfer of fat from other parts of the body or an increase in the extraction of fat presented to the liver from the intestine. Other explanations are that the liver reduces the rate it breaks down and removes fat. Eating fatty foods does not by itself produce a fatty liver.

After a meal, a portion of the food a person eats is broken down into sugar (glucose). The sugar then passes into the bloodstream and to the body's cells via a hormone (called insulin) that is produced by the pancreas. If the the person has insulin resistance, sugar builds up in the blood, overflows into the urine and then passes from the body unused. Over time, high blood sugar levels can damage:
eyes - leading to diabetic retinopathy and possible blindness
blood vessels - increasing risk of heart attack, stroke and peripheral artery obstruction
nerves - leading to diabetic neuropathy, foot sores and possible amputation, possible paralysis of the stomach, chronic diarrhea
kidneys - leading to kidney failure

Prevention of Diabetes
There is no foolproof way to prevent diabetes, but steps can be taken to improve the chances of avoiding it:

Exercise. Studies of both men and women have shown that vigorous exercise, even if done only once a week, has a protective effect against diabetes. Exercise not only promotes weight loss but lowers blood sugar as well.

Lose weight. There is evidence that both men and women who gain weight in adulthood increase their risk of diabetes. A study conducted at Harvard showed that adult women who gained 11 to 17 pounds since the age of 18 doubled their risk of diabetes; those who gained between 18 and 24 pounds almost tripled their risk. Fact: 90 percent of diabetics are overweight.

Diet. The use of a diet low in calories and in saturated fat is an ideal strategy for preventing Type II diabetes. (See the ADA guidelines stated in the TREATMENT section).

It seems that Exercise and Weight reduction are the best way to prevent/reduce Fatty Liver and prevent Diabetes.
