2007年10月23日 星期二

It's Condom...Stupid

Outdated doctrine and misplaced faith creates perfect disaster that even Creator would shun.

Does the Church really care about her faithful?
  • opposition of contraception make the poor even poorer -- Ghettos in Philippines and Latin America as proofs --, and
  • creates downward spiral that the generation after generation could not escape -- destitution leads to lack of education, no health care hence diseases, teenage pragnancy, violence, drug abuses, sex trade, and crimes.
  • Not willing to educate the faithful on the use of condom make them vulnerable to AIDS and SIDs
  • With these groups of faithful being poor, uneducated, diseased, and crime-prone groups producing baby at much higher than world's average, the world even without wars will become a more dangerous place by the day.

Catholic condom ban helping AIDS spread in Latin America: UN
The Catholic Church opposes all forms of contraception and instead promotes abstinence.
Tue, Oct 23, 2007Reuters

TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - The rapid spread in Latin America of the virus that causes AIDS is made worse by the Roman Catholic Church's stand against using condoms, a U.N. official said on Monday.

Some 1.7 million people across Latin America are infected with the HIV virus or full-blown AIDS, and the epidemic is spreading swiftly with up to 410,000 new cases in 2006, up from as many as 320,000 new cases in 2004, according the UN AIDS program, UNAIDS.

"In Latin America the use of condoms has been demonized, but if they were used in every relation I guarantee the epidemic would be resolved in the region," said Alberto Stella, the UNAIDS Coordinator for Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica.
The Catholic Church, which holds sway in Latin America despite the rise in evangelical churches, opposes all forms of contraception and instead promotes abstinence as a way to avoid spreading AIDS.

"The fact young people start to be sexually active between 15 and 19 without sex education contributes to the spreading of the virus, as well as the fact that the evidence shows abstinence is not working," Stella told Reuters.

Latin America is home to nearly half the world's 1.1 billion Catholics, but the Church's position on premarital sex and contraception often clashes with modern values. Brazil, the region's largest Catholic nation, regularly distributes free condoms to try and bring down HIV infection rates.
